Bitterness Produces a Life of Its Own

While on hike with campers yesterday, we came across several galls.   This gall, in particular,  is an oak gall.

Oak galls form on the leaves or branches of trees when a specific species of wasp inserts their ovipositor into expanding plant tissue and lays an egg.

Once the eggs are laid, the developing young hijack the tree's growth hormones and get the tree to do all the work of providing both a safe haven and a continuous food supply.

These galls act as a physiological sink where an endless supply of food is provided for the larvae and now in attracts a whole host of uninvited guests called parasitoids.

The word gall means "bitter" and these galls have an extra astringent property due to an increase in the tree's tannin production which deters potential predators from finding and eating the wasp larvae.

While galls seldom pose a problem for developing trees, bitterness in the life of a Christian is extremely deceitful and destructive.

Hebrews 12:15 
See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; 
that not "root of bitterness" springs ups and causes trouble, 
and by it many become defiled...

Like the wasp gall, bitterness in the life of a Christian can take over our DNA and inevitably produce a life separate from God.  Bitterness has the potential to rob us of the grace of God!

Paul warns the Ephesians of the need to put away bitterness.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.  And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.  

Bitterness produces a harvest of defiled fruit and left unattended, will hinder our relationship with the Holy Spirit.  This is a serious problem!

When someone has bitterness in their heart it is apparent because out of their mouths pours anger, clamor, slander and malice.  

Our words should bring life and joy and encouragement to others.  We need to build up one another so that what we say gives grace to those who hear.  If bitterness has infested our hearts then we are defiled and have the propensity to defile those that hear our words.

Matthew Henry concludes that indwelling sin is a root of bitterness that corrupts the faculties and embitters the mind against all good.

Bitterness is like a poisonous plant that grows quickly and luxuriantly producing a life of its own!

Deuternonomy 29:18 suggests that bitterness is the fruit of idolatry

Beware lest there be among you a man or woman or clan or tribe who's heart is turning away today from the LORD our God to go and serve the gods of those nations.  Beware lest there be among you a root bearing poisonous and bitter fruit...

When we think about how we have been wronged by others or things that people have said to us that have caused hurt we are in jeopardy of becoming bitter.  When we think about something and rehearse it in our minds it becomes and idol, a seat of iniquity where bitterness can grow and flourish.

When we are intentionally taking our thoughts captive to obey Christ, we will realize that Jesus was mistreated by the very people that He loved yet He did not become bitter but on the contrary, He forgave them.  

Paul continues in Ephesians 4 with an exhortation to forgiveness.

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.  Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.  

Until we realize that we cannot afford to allow bitterness to hijack our lives and produce a life of its own, that is self perpetuating, we will be a tool in the hand of the devil, attracting other parasitoids to feed on our gall and then produce after their own kind.

Lord, help us to do due diligence in our hearts today.  Help us we pray to recognize when we are harboring offense that will quickly grow into bitterness.  Help us recognize when we are providing a safe haven for sin.  We do not want to provide nutrients and food for bitterness to grow in our hearts.  Help us take each and every thought captive to the obedience of Christ!


  1. Gosh this hurts to read bc it's just such a terrible feeling, bitterness. I've been there, and especially when we are not consistently in the Word it's SO easy to forget the grace that has been shown to us. We need a new and deep revelation of that grace every single day. Deeper and deeper. If we could only see our depravity and vileness and the pure GRACE that a PERFECT AND HOLY God has shown to us it would not be a problem for us to give that grace out freely. The more we grow in our revelation of grace the more we can give it. Bitterness becomes an issue when you believe you are owed or entitled. We are not. We deserve condemnation and eternal suffering yet have received grace and eternal LIFE.
    Lord, help us to get it. I pray against ALL LISTS of offense! Let them be thrown into the sea of forgetfulness along with our sin! I pray we would GLADLY be put down and would truly REJOICE when we are slighted bc we are SO aware of our own need for grace!

  2. Lord let us NEVER lose sight of Your grace toward us and the vileness of our own hearts without Jesus! Help us to freely give others grace!


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