A Call to 30 Days of Consistancy..........

From the time that I conceived Elijah I have wanted to homeschool him. In my finite thinking I thought it was my great "idea". I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God called me to homeschool. My prayer this year has been...."Lord if you want me to do this then you are going to have to change me into a consistent mother. He has graciously allowed me to see that I indeed can be consistent.

He reminded me of the time in my life when I committed to being a runner. I determined to run everyday for 30 days because if I could do it consecutively it would become habit. Guess what?! It worked! If I missed a day I started back at day one. Harsh maybe but very effective.

Today God called me to be in His word consistently with my boys. He has been after me to sit down with them at lunch time but I have a hard time with that sitting thing. I am going to commit to reading various Psalms during our lunch time for 30 days straight and my prayer is that I can consistently share here on the blog about that time or other things that God is speaking through his word.

By the end of the 30 days my prayer is that our lunch time will be radically changed and I will have formed a habit for our upcoming school year.

So let me share now. Today I wanted to focus on Psalm 37:1 however verse 3 is really where it's at for me right now.

Ps. 37:3 Trust in the LORD, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.

I have been literally and figuratively feeding on His faithfulness. I am so full yet I cannot seem to get enough. Today I had several displays of God's faithfulness and that is what is constantly coming out of my mouth.....God is soooooooo Faithful!

God has literally sent us food this week. Both physical food and spiritual food.

As I read Psalm 37 aloud to my boys during lunch today I realized just how important it is to really open God's word and read it out loud as part of our daily routine. Caleb is a literal sponge and he dissects every thing that is said. When I got to verse 27 I read it as: "Caleb, depart from evil, and do good; And dwell forevermore. For the Lord loves justice, And does not forsake His saints; They are preserved forever.........

Caleb is so rules oriented that he can relate to the whole loving justice part. I also asked him who the saints were and he replied happily...."God's followers!"

I love that! He blessed me in that moment that I was obedient. God you are so faithful as I raise these boys in your image. Give me Godly wisdom and help me to raise a harvest of righteousness.


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