

a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition

I just got back from a spinning class in which two moms were discussing the community in which they live. The community is a stone's throw from where I live and known by outsiders to be a posh, snobbish community. I personally have experienced this when I was a nanny in this community. I have friends that live there and so I do go to some of there community parks.

This week while I was at one of the parks I overheard a conversation by this resident that sounded generally irritated that outsiders came to their park. She asked the attendent a variety of questions and I realized she fit the description above.

I at times feel like I don't want to encounter certain individuals and as we discussed some of the scary situations that have a occurred at a local store, I began to share about a store in my neighborhood that sells organic foods and discounted power bars etc. cheaper than any other store in the area. One of the women in my class asked, "Isn't that store kind of sketchy?" This is a store in my neighborhood! Just outside her "posh" neighborhood. I was not offended.

I was challenged to share with these ladies that I had been shopping at a less than desirable grocery store. As her eyes widened I began to share that even though these people are less than desirable they are very needy and I am able to impact their day by just smiling. This was God's idea that I shop there because I was not so thrilled the times I had been there but he allowed me to see these people through His eyes. My friend said, "So that is like your good deed?" and I said no and explained that I don't believe God wants us to live comfortable lives and forget about the needy people around us.

I am saddened that so many Christians have become complacent in their lives. If we are just here to serve our own needs fine but God has called us to be light in a dark world! We are to bring people into the kingdom of God by our love! How we will show love to this needy and dying world if we stay locked up in our posh neighborhoods shopping at our posh grocery stores and only interacting with people of the same mentallity?

God wants us to reach out to those around us that are unlovely to the world.

Lord Jesus help me to never become complacent in my spiritual walk. Use me every day to draw people to the knowledge of your saving grace through your son Jesus Christ.


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