A note on the new habit we have created.......

Wow! That is what I can say about this 30 day solid commitment to read God's word at the lunch table with my boys. I am in awe of what God has done and is doing and will continue to do in the life of my family.

Psalm 150 says

Praise ye the Lord, Praise God in His sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of His power.

Praise him for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness!!!!!!!

His praise have been continually in my mouth and today is just one more day to profess His excellent greatness!

My little Caleb has really blossomed through this 30 day commitment. He will never forget to read the word of God at lunch time. He reminds me because it is his job to get the bible and pick the verse. It has been a joy to watch this little boy who is so innately structured and linear in his thinking, help me maintain my consistency. Caleb is a gift that God gave me to create consistency in me! I love the Lord.

Not only does Caleb remind me but he wants me to read more than the verse of the day. He picked Psalm 39 today and then 150. Both of these Psalms were jam packed with truths that I have been made aware of today by His grace and mercy towards me.


Every meal now has become a time for me to sit and for us to look forward to partaking in God's food for our spirits. This endeavor has been such a refreshing renewal of Jesus' saving and redeeming grace in my life and the lives of my boys! I love Him more and more!

To be continued............


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