An Exerpt from Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting by Derek Prince

In the past 6 months God has really placed a desire in me to incorporate fasting as a regular part of my prayer life and all I can say is ........ I stand amazed!

My husband just followed through with a 40 day fast that our pastor encouraged us to participate in at the beginning of the year. God spoke very directly about what He was to fast and throughout that 40 days I can tell you the daily evidence of transformation was astounding. Our marriage has not only been strengthened but God answered so many of my prayers for my husband on a daily basis. It was truly amazing!

So, I just recently started reading this book by Derek Prince and I came across a powerful paragraph that I am compelled to share. This statement really encompasses what I have seen transpire in the last year. Miracles upon miracles on a daily basis so much so that I am in awe and here is why and how we as Christians can impact the world around us through prayer and fasting.

p. 25    
   In Philippians 3:20, Paul specified the government that, as Christians, we represent. He said, "Our conversation [literally, our citizenship] is in heaven." Two other translations render this as: "We are citizens of Heaven" (PHILLIPS), and "We... are citizens" (NEB). Thus, our position on earth is that of ambassadors representing heaven's government. We have no authority to act on our own, but as long as we carefully obey the directions of our government, the entire might and authority of heaven are behind every word that we speak and every move that we make.

So, as we come into alignment with God's authority He literally opens heaven to His ambassadors when we are careful to give Him all the glory and honor due His name.

I would encourage you to ask God to show you how to become His ambassador here on earth and be prepared to stand amazed before your God!


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