Day 16 of a 21 Day Fast

Father in Heaven you are sooooo amazing and your son Jesus is so beautiful and I love you for the way you are moving profoundly through this time of fasting and prayer.

The Lord has really been moving over lives that I have been interceding for in a powerful way.  This does not come without much spiritual warfare of which I will not discuss because we are to focus on pure things.  But be assured that when you enter into an intense season of prayer and fasting there will be opposition but it is because the enemy knows his time is short and he is going about LIKE a roaring lion but he cannot stop the Lion of Judah!

Psalm 27:3
lThough an army encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear;
though war arise against me,
yet1 I will be confident.

vSo they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west,
and his glory from the rising of the sun;
wfor he will come like a rushing stream,2
which the wind of the Lord drives.

According to Revelation 12:11 we overcome by the blood of the lamb and word of our testimony.  So testify today!  Call out to the Lord for deliverance!  Read Matthew 6:9-13 ALOUD and Psalm 144!  Your God is faithful to deliver you from the evil one and from temptation of evil so act on His TRUTH today, NOW! Do not allow the enemy to run you through the ringer today!  

We thank you Father for your Word- Jesus who is the faithful and true witness who agrees with the fulfillment of His word over our lives as He is seated at your right hand and we too are seated in heavenly places, and so we agree with Heaven today over any area of our lives that the enemy has tried to infiltrate and we STAND against this attack confident in the blood of Jesus and our access to Your throne.  We praise you because you are a brilliant Father and we bless you today and forever...... and we cannot wait to see you!  Wave Your right hand over the enemy of our lives today in the name of Jesus drive the evil one out headlong! 


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