Finishing The Fast

I Corinthians 10
31 So, whether you eat or drink, or uwhatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Jesus was tempted immediately after his fast so we can be assured that we will be too.  I have already been tempted to eat more than vegetables and water but today I have resolved to eat fresh fruit only.   I did not really stumble in eating anything inappropriate but my portions were too large. 

We need to recognize that the enemy is lurking during this time to rob of us the physical rewards of our fast.  He cannot rob us of our spiritual rewards but if we are weak he can make us feel like we failed and I do not want to give him any place in my life.

So I ask Father in the name of Jesus once again for grace as I slowly break my fast.  I commit to you to only eat fruit and water today and for the next week help me to eat tiny portions and not over indulge in the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh.  I ask that you I not be lead into temptation but that you would deliver me from the evil one today and the next several days.  Amen.


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