He is the Potter and we are His Clay

As I continue to reflect on God as my potter, making me into a beautifully useful vessel of honor, I realized that often we want to direct the hand of our maker, thinking that our opinion matters in the construction of a life completely yielded to Christ.  

When we try to direct God in our development we don't realize how we are going against His plan for our lives.  A plan that consists of a conforming of our wills to His will.  A plan that often times takes drastic cutting, carving, shaping, pressing and washing in order to obtain the aforementioned vessel of honor.

Until we turn away from unrighteousness and allow the Lord our maker to do the good work of the Potter that is intricate, laborious, and at times painful, we will be rebelling against the fashioning of our frame and character that is part of the sanctification process that leads to great beauty in the sight of the Creator.

You have turned things around,
as if the potter were the same as the clay.
How can what is made say about its maker,
“He didn’t make me”?
How can what is formed
say about the one who formed it,
“He doesn’t understand what he’s doing”?  Isaiah 29:16

Will you allow the work of your Maker in your life or will you continue to instruct Him in the process when He ultimately knows what each turn of the knife will produce in your life.  

Please watch this video and meditate with the Lord on your own life as the artists depicted here choose their own method of fashioning their pots.  Notice that in some, the pots are turned completely upside down to put the much needed finishing touches so they will be steady.  Some are cut deeply to allow light to pour through, while others have a treasure of color exposed with each searing slice of the knife.  
I exhort you to yield to the thoughts and plans of your Potter in order to fashion you into an exquisite piece of art that is pleasing to the eye of the Beholder! 


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