A Prayer from Nehemiah 1 Study

Nehemiah 1 Prayer

Abba Father,

You are the God of Heaven and Earth- Great and awesome are You.  You are a covenant keeping God and You keep steadfast love with those who love Jesus and are doers of His word. 

We are your royal priesthood, a remnant chosen to proclaim the excellencies of Christ.

We ask that you would incline Your ear today and look down on us, Your children.

WE acknowledge our sin before you today and stand naked and exposed before you.  For you know the cracks and crevices of our lives where debris collects for nothing is hid from your sight.

Father, we have given ourselves over to lesser lovers forgetting that You are the Lover of our souls.  Time and time again we have exchanged our souls for the pleasures of this world.  We have been unfaithful and continue to be unfaithful.  Our hears are scattered before You. 

We return to You this day and thank You that You even though we are a faithless people, You remain faithful.  We thank you that even though we seek after other affections in our lives, You have sent Jesus, Your mighty right arm, to redeem us out of darkness so that we can come into the promised land of Your presence today, fully faithful through Christ’s sacrifice and for this we are thankful

Thank you that you have gathered us as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.  We rest under the shadow of Your almighty wings, full of delight and fear in Your great and awesome name.

We thank You that You have successfully built a resting place within us and have chosen to be merciful to us, giving us favor in Your sight and the sight of men.

Thank you Father that You have given us special access to Your throne room.  Help us Lord to recognize the constant plot of the enemy to remove the supremacy of Christ from our hearts and minds.  Help us to guard our hearts and maintain the truth of the gospel so that we may drink deeply from Your presences as we have been placed in a high position through Christ. 

We are honored that You have chosen us to declare the excellencies of Christ before and adulterous people.  We ask that you pour out Your grace upon us so that we would be faithful to You and Your kingdom in the intimate places of our lives.  Let our lives be poured out as a drink offering, always celebrating the victory of Christ in our lives.


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