One Blood

There is so much frustration among differing people groups and nations.  Ethnic unrest seems to be at a high.  Each group vying to maintain their distinct heritage.

Although there is much to be learned and enjoyed from our distinct differences, we cannot lose sight of the fact that we are all of One Blood.

As Paul is addressing the pagan people of Athens he first compliments them on how devout they are in their religion.

In Acts 17, Paul values their devotion and their objects of worship, however, he does not condone them.  He uses their own cultural background to make light of the God of all creation.

He tells them, in essence, that we are all part of the same family established by the one true God.

He reveals to these men that the true God can be known:

Then he drives the truth home as he speaks as their relative and exhorts them to not place stock in their idols but that God commands all people everywhere to repent.

I see this passage as a huge encouragement as my family and I have recently started a friendship with a Muslim family.

As we sat around the table eating and enjoying each other's company the subject of Easter came up and we were able to share the truth of the gospel with them.

Heaven will be filled with people from every nation, tribe and tongue and we need to be aware here on earth that God has made us from One Blood.

I am encouraged as a read how Paul models for us how to approach people of different religions and lead them to the truth.  We can rest in their presence and not be fearful of becoming too close to them because they are already of the same blood line.

Paul hits this point home when he validates even the region from which they are from and addresses that we are all groping for God and that He, the One TRUE God is not far from each of us.

... having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that the should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him.  Yet he is actually not far from each one of us...

Paul brilliantly, by the Spirit of God places himself among this people who are worshipping idols.  He is not afraid but he is bold in his witness and confident in his position in Christ.

I continue to learn from the Word of God how to approach people and I rest in His work through me. I am looking forward to my next meeting with my friends and I am strengthened in my confidence through Paul's witness.

Father, that we would have an understanding that we were all created by You and even though there are those among us that do not serve you or know you, that You know them and Your desire if for them to grope for You and to realize that they have their being in You.  We want heaven represented here on Earth!


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