We Accumulate Dirt As We Traverse Through Life

In the mundane of life I often reflect on how, what I am engaged in is like my walk with Christ.

This morning as I swept the kitchen for what seems to be the 10 millionth time, I realized several parallels to my walk in this life.

As we follow Jesus our feet will get dirty.  We will walk over terrain that we never anticipated and as we do will most assuradly step into things that we would rather avoid.

Because we accumulate dirt, grime and stench on our feet, we must continually sit with Jesus and allow Him to be our servant.

Just like He washed the feet of His disciples, He wants to wash away the debris of our lives.

I find myself very slow to sit and take time to care for my own physical needs.  I take more of a reactionary approach to my physical problems.  I seem to only address things when they become unbearable.

Imagine with me if you will, you have been walking through a football field of thick, mud that is clinging to your bare feet.  You continue to try to walk across the field before you but as you walk, you accumulate more and more mud.

As the mud accumulates, you find it more difficult to lift your legs from the shear weight of mud that is caked there.

But the weight is not the only difficult part of the walk.  Every time you place your foot into the mud, there is a suctioning force that tries to prevent you from moving forward.

We accumulate baggage and burdens as we walk through our lives.  Jesus wants to cleanse us from those burdens that would hinder our walk.

Sometimes it is hurt that others have done to us, sometimes it is an unexpected negative reaction from someone you love, it could be a huge financial difficulty in your life or major health problems.  Nevertheless, we are prone to get weighed down by all the things we walk through in life.

I have learned that unless I sit and allow Jesus to minister to me through His word, I will never be free from the burdens of my day, week, year or life.

Sometimes, He has to get out his file and whittle away at the the thick callouses of our feet that have accumulated there as we have hardened parts of our hearts toward others.

Lord, we want to be soft and pliable in Your hands.  We ask that You come and give us rest and assurance that Your burden is light and easy and that we were never meant to carry around the baggage of our days but we are to cast every care on You because you do indeed care for us!


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