Avoid the Pitfall of Comparing Your Race to Another's
As I was running my last stretch of my new goal, I looked ahead at my friend who has been joining me in the mornings and I tried to use her as motivation to finish with a final push.
While I was thinking about catching up to her she began running. I started to get discouraged that I may not make my new goal because in my competitiveness, I had used her as my goal.
The gap between us was gradually getting larger and my resolve began to falter. I realized that I needed to keep my eyes on the path in front of me because I was getting overwhelmed with the idea of running to the end of the course.
When I adjusted my gaze to my own path I realized that there were many obstacles that I needed to be aware of so that I would not lose my footing.
The Christian race should not be one of comparison or competition but one where we, with the Lord's help keep our eyes on our own path.
When we compare ourselves to others and use their lives as a gauge for our spiritual growth we are in jeopardy of stumbling. In an attempt to be independent of the sanctifying work that needs to take place in our own hearts.
Comparison is a trap set by the enemy of our souls so that we fall into a competition with the very people we are called to love and encourage as we run our race individually but also corporately.
Galatians 6:4
How often do we compare the load we have been given to the load someone else is carrying and think that somehow we were dealt an unfair hand when in actuality none of us deserves anything.
This internal lie that everything has to be fair and even has infiltrated our hearts from the culture. Parents cannot handle their kids losing so everyone gets a medal.
The Lord deals with each of us individually and He knows what is best for us.
Romans 9:20-24
God deals with each of us on an individual basis as well as corporately. He knows each one of our struggles and He wants to use each potential pitfall for our sanctification and His glory. Recall how Satan entered the throne room of God asking permission to come against Job and his family? Satan cannot do anything to us unless God allows it.
When we compare our lives to someone other than Jesus, we falter in our race. We stumble and become embittered or envious or jealous as we compete with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Competition is not God's plan for our lives because Jesus has already won the race! We are all sons and daughters of God through Christ's sacrifice not of our own work and effort.
We must guard our hearts from the debilitating trap of comparison. It will surely cause us to trip and stumble and move off the path towards God and onto the path of self glorification.
Father, You are enthroned on high and You alone are the great Champion of our lives. Thank you that our victory is in Christ's atonement for our sins and that we are not running the race to win but to endure the hardships and struggles along our path in order to grow spiritually.
I pray that we not let one ounce of our struggle go without it having its perfecting work in us. Help us to keep our eyes on our own race and not compare our lives with those around us except to draw strength and comfort from one another.
Help us to guard our hearts from the pitfall of comparison so that we can see the obstacles in our way as we traverse this short journey in the flesh to overcome in the evil day and stand fully equipped for every good work that You have ordained for us to walk in while on this earth.
While I was thinking about catching up to her she began running. I started to get discouraged that I may not make my new goal because in my competitiveness, I had used her as my goal.
The gap between us was gradually getting larger and my resolve began to falter. I realized that I needed to keep my eyes on the path in front of me because I was getting overwhelmed with the idea of running to the end of the course.
When I adjusted my gaze to my own path I realized that there were many obstacles that I needed to be aware of so that I would not lose my footing.
The Christian race should not be one of comparison or competition but one where we, with the Lord's help keep our eyes on our own path.
When we compare ourselves to others and use their lives as a gauge for our spiritual growth we are in jeopardy of stumbling. In an attempt to be independent of the sanctifying work that needs to take place in our own hearts.
Comparison is a trap set by the enemy of our souls so that we fall into a competition with the very people we are called to love and encourage as we run our race individually but also corporately.
Galatians 6:4
But let each one test his own work,
and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone
and not in his neighbor.
For each will have to bear his own load.
How often do we compare the load we have been given to the load someone else is carrying and think that somehow we were dealt an unfair hand when in actuality none of us deserves anything.
This internal lie that everything has to be fair and even has infiltrated our hearts from the culture. Parents cannot handle their kids losing so everyone gets a medal.
The Lord deals with each of us individually and He knows what is best for us.
Romans 9:20-24
But who are you, O man, to answer back to God?
Will what is molded say to its molder,
"Why have you made me like this?"
Has the potter no right over the clay,
to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use
and another for dishonorable use?
What if God, desiring to show his wrath
and to make known his power,
has endured with much patience
vessels of wrath prepared for destruction,
in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory --
even us whom he has called,
not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles?
The only 2 people that we should compare ourselves to are
our former selves and Jesus.
Hebrews 12:3-7
Consider him who endured from sinners
such hostility against himself,
so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.
In your struggle against sin
you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.
And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons?
"My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord,
nor be weary when reproved by him.
For the Lord disciplines the one he loves
and chastises every son whom he receives."
It is for discipline that you have to endure.
God is treating you as sons.
For what son is there whom his father does not discipline?
God deals with each of us on an individual basis as well as corporately. He knows each one of our struggles and He wants to use each potential pitfall for our sanctification and His glory. Recall how Satan entered the throne room of God asking permission to come against Job and his family? Satan cannot do anything to us unless God allows it.
When we compare our lives to someone other than Jesus, we falter in our race. We stumble and become embittered or envious or jealous as we compete with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Competition is not God's plan for our lives because Jesus has already won the race! We are all sons and daughters of God through Christ's sacrifice not of our own work and effort.
We must guard our hearts from the debilitating trap of comparison. It will surely cause us to trip and stumble and move off the path towards God and onto the path of self glorification.
Father, You are enthroned on high and You alone are the great Champion of our lives. Thank you that our victory is in Christ's atonement for our sins and that we are not running the race to win but to endure the hardships and struggles along our path in order to grow spiritually.
I pray that we not let one ounce of our struggle go without it having its perfecting work in us. Help us to keep our eyes on our own race and not compare our lives with those around us except to draw strength and comfort from one another.
Help us to guard our hearts from the pitfall of comparison so that we can see the obstacles in our way as we traverse this short journey in the flesh to overcome in the evil day and stand fully equipped for every good work that You have ordained for us to walk in while on this earth.
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