Be Carried By the Wind of His Spirit

Pollination of plants occurs in different ways.  Some plants do not rely on pollinators visiting them to ensure that they are fertilized and as a result there is no energy invested in producing fragrant filled colorful flowers.

Wind pollination or Anemophily, is the transfer of pollen from one individual plant to another.  Grasses, pine trees, wheat, rice and corn are familiar examples.

These plants are structured in such a way that when they are exposed to the wind, they have the potential to be reproduced.

Their lives are not one of elaborate displays but humbly they wait for the power of the wind to drive the process of their lives so that they can reproduce after their own kind.

Our lives were created in such a way.  As the Spirit of God moved during the creation, He spoke everything into existence and set their lives in motion.

Our lives are dependent on the Ruwach (רוּחַ) or wind of God to breath on us.  Our lives are dependent on His driving force.  If we neglect to expose all of our parts to Him another force will gladly take His ordained Lordship in our lives.

Many times we do not want to expose our lives to the driving force of God because we do not trust where He will take us.  We want to maintain control and think that we are sovereign over our lives as we make our own decisions but God desires to be Lord of all not just what we are comfortable with.

He wants us to hang ourselves out there before Him so that He can direct the course of our lives.

How foolish are we to think that we have sovereign control over our lives.  And as Christians we see in God's word that sowing to our flesh does not produce a life of the Spirit where God is moving and accomplishing His plan for our lives.

Fear holds us back from opening our hearts to the One who created us and breathed the breath of life into our lungs.  He is the very reason that we are alive yet we are so prone to exalt ourselves as god instead of crowing Him Lord and ruler over our lives.

God's desire if for us to know Him intimately.  Regardless of whether or not we are willing to seek Him out He knows us.

How amazing that the God of the Universe's design is for us to know Him.  He desires that we yadah (יָדַע), know Him.  Like a wife knows her husband in all the delicacies of intimacy.  

Wow that is personal!  He already knows all of our thoughts and ways He just really wants us to know Him and a big part of that process is being open and honest with Him about our hearts.  

As we open our hearts and minds to His driving force He reveals himself to us.  As we honestly assess the wellspring of our hearts or ask Him to take inventory because we are so easily deceived about or own motives, then we are conformed into His image.

1 John 2:28-3:3
And now, little children, abide in him, 
so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming.  
If you know that he is righteous, 
you may be sure that everyone who practices righteousness has been born of him.  We what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.  
The reason why the world does not know us
 is that it did to know him.  Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.  And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.

Abide in Him today.  Let down the barriers in your heart where you have not allowed the wind of the Spirit to blow.  Do not be afraid or cling to your life because in so doing you will lose it!  

I remember a time when I was standing before the Lord and He showed me that I had my hands out toward Him not fully surrendering some of the more intimate parts of my heart to Him.  As He showed me I realized I had a choice to make; either continue on that path trying to maintain control or give my life completely to Him in full trust and submission.  

As I made a decision to not resist His Spirit I relaxed my arms to my side and let them dangle like a rag doll, like the pollen sacks on the fountain grass, listless and easily moved by His Spirit.

Lord, help us to not resist Your work in our lives.  We humbly submit to You and ask that by Your grace You help us to fully surrender to the breath of life that comes only from You.


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