Are You Making Way For The Word of God to Rush Over Your Debris?

After a good downpour, there will be places in which the water runs where it is normally dry and accumulates debris.

Once a  torrential rain occurs, these previously dry areas become preverbal river beds, where the water courses through, lifting the debris as it travels to the lowest ground, seeking to find rest.

As the water runs over these areas, most of the debris begins to align itself, conforming to the coursing water as it washes past the chaff.

The kinetic energy of the water effects the litter by its force, pushing it along the streamline.  The seeming mission of the water is to get everything traveling in the same direction.

Our dry, debris filled hearts, need the power of God's word and Spirit to course through, disrupting the litter that accumulates there, in order that our lives would be conformed to the power of His Word and the movement of His Spirit.

But in order for our debris ridden hearts to be effected by the powerful energy that is evident in Hebrews 4:12,  we must allow it passage over our rough terrain by reading it, listening to it and meditating on it.

For  the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,  and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  

Like a wet saw, whose job it is to cut powerfully through stone, so the word of God has the same potential to penetrate into the stoniest of hearts if we would just allow it free passage.

Jesus' desire is to present to himself a glorious bride.  It was and is His great love for the church that caused Him to condescend to the lowliest state, to be a part of all the debris of the human race's existance, in order that He might cleanse us.

Because of His great love toward us, like that of a husband to a wife, His desire, as clearly stated by Ephesians 5:25-26 is to continually cleanse us by;

 the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.  

But like a rebellious child, what if we refuse to get into the water?  Can the word of God effect us if we are not reading it, listening to it through teaching or meditating on it?

When we refuse to get wet, our lives are unaffected by the transforming power of God's word.  We rob our hearts the opportunity to be freed from the burden of debris.  We allow deadened debris to rule and life is smothered out.

In order for Jesus to sanctify us, that is to purify us inwardly, 
we must get into the stream of Him, the Word.

Jesus declares in John 17:17, that the word is the primary mode of our sanctification

Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.

He goes on to show us that His sanctification was for our sanctification.

And for their sake I consecrate myself, 
that they also may be sanctified in truth.

Jesus is serious about our sanctification.  

And now I commend you to God and the the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

It is those who are justified and sanctified whom He will give the inheritance.  

Allow the word of his grace to build you up after it has poured over your heart and done the dividing work of truth!

Father, we thank you for Jesus' condescension, death and resurrection that shows forth the power of Your word to accomplish the work that you afore ordained from the moment that sin was conceived on the earth through the first man, Adam.  We thank you for the sanctifying work of Jesus and rest in His provision for OUR lives and we submit to the reading, listening and meditating of Your word that it might have it's way with our debris filled hearts.

Drive through our hearts today we ask, so that our thoughts and attitudes would be aligned by the powerful flow of your word and Spirit.

We give you access to the wasteland of our hearts where the light of truth cannot penetrate, so that as we are washed by your word, the light of the Son would shine on the tender shoots hidden deep within the confines of the refuse of our hearts.

Have your way O' Lord! 


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