Do You Know Every'thing' About Jesus But Don't Really Know Him?

As I look at the life of Martha in John 11, recalling that her name means "she is rebellious",  I read line:

Now Jesus loved Martha,...

Martha refused to sit at the Lord's feet, she wanted to 'do' instead of 'wait' on the Lord for His leading in her life.  She was anxious about many things and yet the very place where she could find rest, she avoided.

Jesus addresses the religious Jews in John 5:38-41, declaring that they have never even heard the voice of the Father and implying that they have no knowledge of God because they refuse to believe and come to Jesus as Lord.

and you do not have his word abiding in you, 
for you do not believe the one whom he has sent.  
You search the Scriptures because you think 
that in them you have eternal life;  
and it is they that bear witness about me, 
yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.  

Jesus is saying that you can read the Bible all you want but it is not your salvation.  And if you refuse to come to Him you are refusing the eternal life that He provides.  Not only eternal life but an abundant life.

Martha surely was not living the abundant life as she grumbled and complained and accused others.

Jesus risked his life and the life of his disciples to come to Martha and Mary's side once he knew that Lazarus had died.  Out of his great love for these women he waited to make sure that what the Father intended to do would bring the most glory to him and the most revelation to the people who witnessed the resurrection.

Martha and Mary were surrounded by the religious community that had come to console them and when Martha was made aware of Jesus approaching she went out to meet him, but Mary remained seated in the house.

Martha said to Jesus, Lord, if you had been here, 
my brother would not have died.  

Although, Mary in later verses says the very same thing, there is a difference in the women's heart attitude toward Jesus.

Martha continues;

But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, 
God will give you.  

This statement appears to be faith filled but I would suggest that it came from a place of head knowledge and not heart knowledge of who Jesus was.

Jesus said to her, "Your brother will rise again."

Martha said to him,  
"I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.

See how Martha has all the "right" answers?  She obviously knows the scriptures and the teachings of the Pharisees and although she says  that she knows that whatever Jesus asks from God, God will give, there is pride in her response.

She must not really have a knowledge of who Jesus is because He goes on to elaborate what he is trying to tell her.

"I am the resurrection and the life.  
Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, 
and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. 
 Do you believe this?

Martha responds with what seems to be the "right" answer but even in her response it seems that she does not really comprehend who Jesus is.

'Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, 
the Son of God, who is coming into the world."

Martha's heart of unbelief is exposed when Jesus proceeds to raise Lazarus from the dead.

"Lord, by this time there will be an odor, 
for he has been dead four days."  

In Jesus' response to her, Martha's heart is revealed to the reader.

"Did I not tell you that if you believed 
you would see the the glory of God?"

What I find interesting here is that Martha said all the right things, she said she knew who Jesus was and said she believed he was sent from God but she did not really know and trust Him.

We can read the word of God and say that we believe God and that His Word is truth but our actions reveal our hearts.

Do we really know and trust Jesus?  Or do we run to Him and question Him and nod in agreement with others when they tell us the truth about Him all the while missing out on the true intimacy that comes from sitting in His presence.

Jesus loved His people and in His lament we see the same rebellious heart that Martha displayed.

Luke 13:34

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 
the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it!  How often would I have gathered your children together 
as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, 
and you were not willing!

He is speaking to the people of the holy city!  The people that claim to know God yet they are unwilling to come to Jesus.

We can give Him lip service, we can read our Bibles, we can tell others that we believe but are we really willing to lay aside our religious identities to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to what He says? Or are we strong willed and rebellious, not willing to come to Him on His terms, where we would be given the life sustaining power of His presence as He reveals himself to us personally.

I don't want to have a bunch of head knowledge about Jesus and all that He said and all that He commanded without a heart knowledge of who He is and the resurrection power that awaits me as His child.

I think that Martha thought she was doing the right thing however, I think she was missing out on a deep relationship with the life giving God and her hurried scattered heart alludes to that.  She did not have rest.  Recall what Mary did when she heard that Jesus was approaching, she stayed where she was.

She had confidence in her God and she was waiting on Him, not running forward to accuse Him but sincerely asking Him the very same question that Martha asked of Him but with a different heart. A heart that was fully devoted to Christ.  A life where the word was abiding in her heart not swirling around in her mind.  She had encountered the living Word and she had a deep satisfaction and peace that is markedly different from Martha's life.

Father, it is our desire to know Jesus in a deep, intimate, soul satisfying way.  Give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of Jesus.  Point out in our own hearts our tendencies to be like Martha, living lives where we really don't believe what Jesus says he will do or who He is.  Help us to turn from our pride and rebellion and walk humbly before You.


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