The LORD's Voice Can Roar and Whisper

As I rouse myself out of my sleep this morning, I ask the Lord...

"What do you want me to write about today?"

I hear Psalm 8:9 clearly come through my conscious mind like a stream.

O' LORD our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

That word majestic comes from the Hebrew word 'adder.  

Great, majestic, of waters of sea, wide, large, powerful, famous and glorious are just a few of the English adjectives that give us insight into what this word connotes.

My mind immediately travels to the my experience at Niagara Falls in 2016.

Those wide, majestic, powerfully, glorious, famous great waters are just a literal drop in the bucket to the majesty of our Creator, yet while there I stood in awe of the power and might of the rushing waters.

As we approached the falls, we could not even hear each other speak.   I yelled at the top of my lungs;

"The voice of the LORD is like the roar of many waters!"

Creation declares the majesty and splendor of our God and as I begin my day, my heart is aligned with the truth of who He is and my heart sings of His majesty and splendor.

You are awesome in Power!

You are matchless in Wonder!

You are mighty to Save!

You are majestic in all Your ways!

Psalm 93:4
Mighter than the thunders of many water,
 mightier than the waves of the sea, 
the LORD on high is mighty!

In the malaise of our days we must begin each day with the acknowledgment that God is the most majestic, the most powerful, the most lovely, the most EVERYTHING!

When we meditate on Him and who He is we gain strength in our spirits, realizing that we can rest in Him and not our own strength.  

Niagara Falls pails in comparison to our God but we see in scripture how the John the Revelator and the psalmists use the created world to give us insight into what God is like.

Let us gain hope and strength from who He is and was and always will be,  allowing our hearts to mount up like wings like eagles and soar to the heights of His majesty through His word!

I am thankful Father that your voice is not only like the sound of roaring waters but that You come to me in a soft and gentle whisper when I seek your face early in the morning.  You are FAITHFUL!

Tune my heart to Your majestic voice and  
Your still small voice today!


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