Is Your Life Resonating the Sound of Heaven?
On Sunday, my pastor taught from the Sermon on the Mount. These messages reveal practical kingdom living and obedience to the King.
He said that Jesus revealed kingdom righteousness as he spoke to his disciples and a set of principles were brought to light that have the power to form an inward reality of the heart.
As our minds are renewed by Jesus' teachings, our hearts are conformed to a kingdom reality that resonates into a spiritual life reflective of the kingdom of God.
Resonance is defined as:
The quality in a sound of being deep, full and reverberating.
That is kingdom living! A life of depth and fullness in the presence of God that reverberates for all to hear! Our lives should echo our King! As we peer into His vastness, as someone peering into the grand canyon, we shout and our voice reverberates against His greatness! We lean in and we get a sense of our smallness.
Our lives are to be instruments, strung in tune with the Kingdom of God! As we tune our minds to what Jesus says to us through His word, the frequency of our lives is aligned with the frequency of His Kingdom and the amplitude of a life in sync with the tune of heaven has the ability to shatter false ideologies in our minds and those in our sphere of influence.
The Sermon on the Mount begins with a series of 9 statements beginning with blessed, that set up the reality of the kingdom of God.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
"Blessed" or "Happy" is the inward reality of a life whose focus is on eternal things. The ESV study bible conveys it this way:
More than a temporary or circumstantial feeling of happiness, this is a state of well-being in relationship to God that belongs to those who respond to Jesus' ministry. The poor in spirit are those who recognize they are in need of God's help, theirs is the kingdom of heaven. It belongs to those who confess their spiritual bankruptcy.
When we recognize our role as the children of God, fully dependent upon Him, we can sing the song of heaven and the melody of our lives aligns with the chorus of heaven and they become like a constructive sound wave, whose overall sound resonates at a larger amplitude giving us a deep full reverberating life that is fueled by this kingdom reality.
When asked by His disciples in Matthew 18, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"
Jesus responded by calling a child over and placing him in their midst before answering,
"Truly, I say to you, UNLESS you turn and become like children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Whoever humbles himself like this child
is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
There you have it folks! TURN! Become like a child! This is the only way to enter the kingdom of heaven! Realize and act as if you are fully dependent upon the Righteous King of the Kingdom because you are!
For many this is a paradigm shift, meaning a fundamental change in an individual or society's view of how things work in the world. When we are children of God we are not of this world, yet so often we assume the ideologies of the world in which we live.
If we want to live as kingdom citizens then we must turn and become like children in our thinking, realizing that we are indeed poor in spirit and totally helpless without the help of our heavenly Father.
We cannot appropriately respond to Jesus' ministry if we are stuck in a worldly mindset that says that we are strong and capable and don't need the help of others.
Humility is the posture that we must take first and foremost to tap into the frequency of heaven that is all around us. Like a child we must come to our Father with arms wide opened and ears attuned to His voice and hearts softened toward these kingdom realities, otherwise we will be unable to live a life delving into the depths of the kingdom of God that He has prepared for us since the foundations of the earth.
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