The Birth of Christ is a Shocking Reality

I read a book on Sunday to my class by Max Lucado, Because I Love You.  The story is about a joyful man named Shaddai, who has fashioned a world where children love life and where He can delight over them as they live in the safety of his created village.

Shaddai decides to build a stone wall that encompasses the village where the children live, to keep them separated from the dangers of the forest beyond the village.  As he builds the wall, he decides to leave a small opening that leads to the outside world of danger.

A curious boy named Palladin finds the hole and runs to tell the 'Maker' of the danger that he has found.  Shaddai is not surprised that Palladin found the hole because he was looking for an out and he warns him to stay within the safety of the village.  When questioned by Palladin, He explains that he wants the children to stay in the confines of the village because they want to not because they have to.

Paladin is distraught because he knows, that he himself is tempted to go outside of the protection of the 'Maker's' loving care.  As he leaves Shaddai's presence, he is drawn to the hole and crawls through to the world of danger.

Once through the hole, Palladin becomes fearful and wants to return to the village but the hole has closed behind him just as Shaddai had said.

What happened next was no surprise, as I have read the story innumerable times to my own children, however, as I read the part about Shaddai himself crawling through the hole to enter into the dangerous world, the symbolism struck me.

I excitedly exclaimed to the children, "Just like Jesus!"  I asked them, "how did Jesus come to earth!?"  "As a baby!" , one replied.  "Yes, and all babies have to come through a hole!"  I said, and was shocked as the words left my mouth.

Our Lord, the 'Maker' of all, made a way so that He would have access to rescue us from sin!

The Creator fulfilled His promise that was made to Satan and Eve in the Garden of Eden by humbling Himself and submitting to the God ordained physiological process of birth, so that we could be set free from our sin!

The LORD God said to the serpent, 
"Because you have done this,
cursed are you above all livestock
and above all beasts of the field;
on your belly you shall eat
all the days of your life.
I will put enmity between you and the woman, 
and between your offspring and her offspring;
he shall bruise your head, 
and you shall bruise his heel."

To the woman he said,

"I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing;
in pain you shall bring forth children.
Your desire shall be for your husband, 
and he shall rule over you."

It is purely astounding, the lengths to which God came down to rescue us!  He set up consequences for each of His creatures that had sinned against Him in the garden, knowing that He Himself would have to submit to the pain of childbirth and fully submit to His own Word.

No other god did what our God did!  He humbled himself and became a man child!  The all powerful, all knowing, all present God of EVERYTHING, became the LEAST of these!  Born in a MANGER!  He chose to leave His glory, power and seat of dominion to save all of mankind by being expelled through a birth canal!

Grace to you and peace from God our Father 
and the Lord Jesus Christ, 
who gave himself for our sins 
to deliver us from the present evil age,
 according to the will offer God and Father, 
to whom be the glory forever and ever.  Amen.

The good tidings of the season of Christmas are astonishing!  Remind yourself today and tomorrow and the next, of the grace and peace that we received from God before we even were aware that we needed rescued!

  Let the reality of Christmas be an everyday truth experience!  If you forget that God loves you, remember the expression of pure love and  humility that is evident in the birth of the Son of God!

God is a promise keeping God!  He is Faithful and TRUE!  His glory supersedes our shame!  He became shame so that we do not have to live there!  Hallelujah!

Abba, mesmerize us today by the truth of your condescension!  What you did by the world's standards would be counted as shocking, scandalous and repugnant but we know that even before we cried out for help, You had made a way to come to us!  Thank you!

Help us to proclaim Your scandalous love to the lost and dying world this Christmas season, as well as all the days of our life.  May our hearts be established in grace and truth so that we can be lanterns that house the reality of Christmas throughout every day of our existence.  


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