God Is Calling Us To Be Men & Women of Vision!

"A person that grows beyond the thought of what serving God will cost, enters rarefied air." 
 ~Rande Greene

Rarefied air is not dense but thin and it refers to the air of the high peaks, air that belongs to or is reserved for a select group of individuals.  With it comes the connotation of exclusivity.

Abraham entered into this rarefied air.  Hebrews 11 shows us that Abraham not only had faith but vision.  He had spiritual eyes to see into a future of promise as He obeyed God.

He went out, not knowing where he was going.  By faith he stayed as a foreigner in the land of promise, living in tents... For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations , whose architect and builder is God.

My middle son has always had a deep intense drive to know where we are going next.  If he had his druthers he would have me write out a fixed schedule each day with times of departure and arrival included so that he could hold me accountable.  This intense "need" of his has never been satiated as I am continually reminding him to,

"Trust your leadership"  

So often we live our lives on our own, thinking that we are "allowing" God to guide and direct us but never stepping outside of our comfort zone or abandoning something concrete for something unseen.

You cannot have faith without vision.  

Proverbs 29:18 says;
Without revelation people run wild, 
but one who listens to instruction will be happy.

Abraham listened to God AND obeyed Him.  As a patriarch he was willing to sacrifice in the moment for a future he may never experience in his lifetime.

He did not focus on what he was losing when he obeyed God  otherwise he would have tried to control the situation.

Unfortunately, my son does this all the time.  He is always looking at what he will miss out on in the moment by not being home and his behavior shows me not only does obeying me make him uneasy, ultimately he is trying to maintain control of his own life.

I understand that there is time for him to develop into a man of vision, who forsakes his own life to move upward to the high call of God into the rarefied air where few dare to tread.

If we think immediately to the cost of what we are giving up in exchange for the high call of God on our lives then  we are not acting as visionaries.

Our thinking and contemplating has an enormous bearing on whether or not we are visionaries.

Hebrews  11:13-16
These all died in faith without having received the promises, 
BUT they SAW them from a distance, 
GREETED them, 
and CONFESSED that they were foreigners 
and temporary residents on the earth.  
Now those who SAY such things make it clear 
that they are seeking a homeland.  

If they were THINKING about where they came from, 
they would have hand an opportunity to return. 
But they now desire a better place -- a heavenly one.  
Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, 
for He has prepared a city for them.  

Abraham as a visionary who received a promise from God, trusted his leadership and could SEE what God was promising and responded by his action of greeting and confessing that they were only here as sojourners awaiting a homeland that he would never see in his lifetime.

In trusting our leadership and acting as visionaries, who must sacrifice for future generations, we too are looking forward to our eternal reward.

As we lay down our lives for the people of God whether our family or the body of Christ, where God has placed us, we are acting as patriarchs and matriarchs who know that we may never reap the harvest that we are sowing but we recognize that our lives are not our own to squander on ourselves seeking first our kingdom but that God requires us to listen AND obey in order to follow His pattern of self effacing sacrifice.


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