Urged by Need, Called by the Spirit

Great God,
In public and private, in sanctuary and home,
may my life be steeped in prayer,
filled with the spirit of grace and supplication,
each prayer perfumed with the incense

Help me, defend me, until from praying ground
I pass to the realm of unceasing praise.
Urged by my need,
invited by thy promises,
called by thy Spirit,
I enter thy presence,
worshipping thee with godly fear,
awed by thy majesty, greatness, glory,
but encouraged by thy love.
I am all poverty as well as all guilt,
having nothing of my own with which 
to repay thee,
But I bring Jesus to thee in the arms of faith,
pleading his righteousness to offset my iniquities,
rejoicing that he will weigh down the scales
for me,
and satisfy thy justice.

I bless thee that great sin draws out great grace,
that, although the least sin
deserves infinite punishment
because done against an infinite God,
yet there is mercy for me,
for where guilt is most terrible,
there thy mercy in Christ is most free and deep.

Bless me by revealing to me more of his saving
by causing thy goodness to pass before me,
by speaking peace to my contrite heart;
Strengthen me to give thee no rest until Christ
shall reign supreme within me,
in every thought, word, and deed,
in a faith that purifies the heart,
overcomes the world,
works by love,
fastens me to thee,
and ever clings to the cross.

MEETING GOD  The Valley of Vision; Puritan Prayers and Devotions

God heard the groans of Israel while they were in bondage as they cried out for help.  Before they even cried out for deliverance from their enemies, God had ordained the birth and protection of their deliverer, Moses.

Moses was an unlikely candidate to be used by God because he was a murderer.  However, even when Moses was in the wilderness, married to a woman who served a foreign God, God spoke to him out of the burning bush.

He did not consume his life by fire but he found him in the midst of his sin and he called him out of hiding to use him to set his people free so that they could worship Him.

Exodus 4:23
"Let my son go that he may serve me."

Moses did not have confidence in his own abilities and so he spoke with the Lord about his fears and anxieties.

Moses' life gives us a clear picture of the mercy and grace of our God, who chose an unworthy man to accomplish a great victory in the name of Yahweh.

What is significant about Moses is that he talked with God.  He conveyed all his concerns and apprehensions about what God was calling Him to and God told him exactly what to say and how to go about dealing with His enemy.

God provided a spokesman for Moses when he voiced concern about not being able to articulate what God would have him say as well as giving him the power to do great signs and miracles in His name.

God isn't concerned that we are worthy enough for the task He has called us to, He isn't concerned with our ability to carry it out.  He is however concerned about our prayer life.  He does want to hear from His people and He is a God of action who loves to prepare and answer even before we ask.

Isaiah 65:24
I will answer them before they even call to me.  
While they are still talking about their needs,
 I will go ahead and answer their prayers!

Moses was urged to pray by his need 
but he was called by the Spirit because of 
the promise of God to His people.  


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