Our Close Proximity to Others Allows Us to Scale New Heights in the Spirit
Geckos seemingly defy gravity. They have the ability to scale walls and even hang upside down from the ceiling without falling to their fate like the rest of us would. So what gives them the ability to walk in a seemingly super natural manner? The secret lies within their feet. A gecko's foot is designed in such a manner that they not only have hair like protrusions called setae but these hair like protrusions have smaller protrusions called spatulae. This intentional structural engineering by the Creator, gives way for intermolecular forces to come into play, allowing a the gecko to "stick" on surfaces in order to climb to knew heights in search of their next meal. Vänder Waals Forces is the term used to describe the distant dependent attractions between molecules. The geckos rely on these forces as their spatulae come in close contact with the surface they are trying to climb. These temporary bonds are weak and m...