The Son of Righteousness Has Risen With Salvation In His Wings!
Pulling into my driveway one afternoon, I was elated to see one of my very favorite birds, the Great Blue Heron. I proceeded cautiously exiting my van in a way as not to startle and slowly approach my friend to get a better glimpse of this spectacular bird. I was amazed at just how close I was able to venture without him taking flight. As I took pictures and videos, I intentionally pushed the limits so that I could see this glorious creature take flight. In flight, the Great Blue Heron has an identifiable shape and wingbeat that lends to the ease of identifying this bird from far distances. It curls its neck into a tight "S" shape while its legs trail behind under its broad and rounded wing span. My visitor inevitably flew off into the sunset. This image conjures up the scripture of Christ's glorious entry as the "sun of righteousness" who will possess healing in His wings. Malachi 4:2-3 But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness ...