
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Son of Righteousness Has Risen With Salvation In His Wings!

Pulling into my driveway one afternoon, I was elated to see one of my very favorite birds, the Great Blue Heron. I proceeded cautiously exiting my van in a way as not to startle and slowly approach my friend to get a better glimpse of this spectacular bird. I was amazed at just how close I was able to venture without him taking flight.  As I took pictures and videos, I intentionally pushed the limits so that I could see this glorious creature take flight. In flight, the Great Blue Heron has an identifiable shape and wingbeat that lends to the ease of identifying this bird from far distances.  It curls its neck into a tight "S" shape while its legs trail behind under its broad and rounded wing span. My visitor inevitably flew off into the sunset.  This image conjures up the scripture of Christ's glorious entry as the  "sun of righteousness" who will possess healing in His wings. Malachi 4:2-3 But for you who fear my name,  the sun of righteousness ...

A Willing Heart Full of Faith

As I meditate on the events surrounding the birth of Christ,  I can't help but think about the inevitable scandal that was birthed as the result of the news of Mary's pregnancy.  I wonder what was the reaction of the people as the news of this mysterious pregnancy reached the ears of the community where she had grown up. Did her community believer her?  I am sure that some did as they would have known her character but I am also certain that there would be many who would doubt the story of the angel's appearance and all that followed, assuming that it was fabricated in order to cover up her disgrace. But despite the probable scandal, Mary responded with a willing heart, full of faith toward the angel's news. "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." Just like her son would one day lay down His life, she too laid down her life in order to fulfill her Father's great plan of salvation to the whole world. She ...

We Were Never Meant To Experience Death But Life Eternal

Yesterday was a sad day for my family.  We said goodbye to my 92 year old grandfather who was a WWII Navy Veteran.   As I went through the day with my family I realized the significance of Christ's birth amidst the curse of death. The birth of Christ came at a time when all the world was shrouded in the darkness and despair of death. The curse of mankind's fall included death as the Godhead intentionally removed the tree of life from the reach of His creation.  No longer did the human race have access to life eternal. Unfortunately, death became a part of life.  Although the reality of death has been a part of mankind's history, it is never an easy or understandable event.  Death leaves creation writhing in agony at every level.  My grandfather passed peacefully in the presence of his loving family but death is not always easy and painless. Romans 8:22 For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the ...

Is It Evil In Your Eyes To Serve The LORD?

The garden of Eden brings to light to many details that are important in understanding who God is and His intentionality over our lives. Genesis 2:8-9 The LORD God planted a garden in Eden,  in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.  And out of the ground the  LORD God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.  The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.   From the onset of creation God's plan was to give us free will.  He planted the garden and made fruit bearing trees spring up that were pleasing to look at and he placed Adam there.  Two of the trees that grew there provided more than just delicious fruit. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, we discover after the fall, provided mankind the ability to know both good and evil.  Once they had disobeyed God and been found guilty, the God head, in his loving care for his creatio...

"Salvation Through Christ Jesus Was Not An After Thought"

My boys and I went to the Creation Museum last week.  I realized while I was there what an appropriate time of year it is the visit the museum.  The 7 "C's" depict the history of God' redeeming work through Christ Jesus.  The birth of God's son was the fulfillment of a plan that was ordained even before Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. "Salvation through Christ Jesus is not an after thought."  Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.   Ephesians 1:14 Even before the manifestation of His creation God had a plan, even before sin had made its debut on the scene of that marvelous creation, God had a rescue plan for mankind through Christ Jesus' sacrificial life given as a pure offering of love for love. Christmas time has the ability to usher in a new and refreshing view of God's salvation plan but if we are distracted by all the traditions we may miss the miracul...

The Consequences Fit the Crime

After sin was conceived in the garden, Adam and Eve severed their intimate fellowship between God and one another as neither one wanted to take ownership of the sin that they had committed.  Not only did their act of sin, that began first in their hearts, have corporate consequences for mankind ,  the LORD God dealt with each of the culprits on an individual basis. There were specific repercussions for each  individual offender based on their wrongdoing.  As the LORD approached them, Adam and Eve tried to hide the truth of what had occurred but God, like a methodical prosecuting attorney, asked a series of questions.  Although He already knew what had happened and how it occurred, because He is omniscient and omnipresent, He required an acknowledgement of their sin. "What is this that you have done?"  The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." God knew that the serpent had seduced His child and so before ever dealing with the error of H...

Sin Hinders Communication

I just can't seem to get out of the garden narrative of Genesis 3 .  Yesterday, I shared about Eve and the process in her mind that led to her demise.  Her covetousness was what led to her disobedient act. This intense desire to have something that did not belong to her started in her mind as the serpent dropped off a thought that God was withholding His goodness and knowledge from her. In order to avoid such diabolical cunning, all Eve had to do was to communicate with her Maker.  A lack of communication led to her deception and ultimately the disintegration of her relationship with God. We must pay careful attention to what Eve did not do and gain wisdom and insight from her life. Communication is the key ingredient to any healthy vibrant relationship.  So it comes as no surprise that there is so much miscommunication in our relationships.  You see the enemy does not want us to experience intimacy with anyone especially not God. When we refuse to ta...

What Was She Thinking?

What was Eve thinking?  Here she was in a perfect garden created by God, with everything she could possibly need accessible to her and she faltered when she saw the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. After Eve was influenced by the serpent to see God and His intentions in a different light than good, she misquoted God by adding to His word. He said to the woman, "Did God actually say,  'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?"   And the woman said to the serpent,  "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden,  but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree  in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it,  lest you die.'" But the serpent said to the woman,  "you will not surely die.   For God knows that when you eat of it  your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,  knowing good from evil."   Did you notice how the serpent used Eve's misquoting o...

The Twins of Our Inner Struggle

Cracking my eggs into the pan one morning revealed that each egg had a double yoke.  My youngest son asked if that meant the egg would produce twin chicks.  Not totally sure about egg fertilization, I told him that the yolk is actually the part of the egg that provides the developing embryo with the vital  source of vitamins, minerals and fat.  Human twins develop in two different ways.  Dizygotic twins are twins that develop from two separate eggs and two separate sperm.  These twins are referred to as Fraternal twins.  Another way that twins form is when the initial fertilized egg divides to form two babies that are identical. Fraternal twins have different physical features and can be different or the same gender.  At any rate the reality of having twins can be an overwhelming prospect especially if you are a first time mother.   At the nursing home where we sing every Christmas with our church there is a precious little lad...

"Contentment Is NOT Automatic"

"Contentment is NOT automatic" ,  my Pastor declared as he led us into the Word of God on Sunday.   "The Salvation life says that we can enjoy life even when it is not enjoyable." Paul shows us in Philippians 4:11-15 ... for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.   I know how to be brought low, and I know ho w to abound.   In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.   I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Contentment is a learning process.  Repetition is important to that learning process.  Although we don't want to go through the same thing over and over again, God uses repetition in our lives so that we can learn and grow.  "Developing a salvation life is not a static process but one of constant growth and movement through the process of life." "I hate this house!" declared my brother, as he slammed through th...

Don't Ya Know That It's All About The Baby?

The Christmas season is notoriously the busiest time of year.  We have parties and programs to attend and to be a part of in some way or another.  We busy ourselves in order to buy or make gifts for all the people in our lives that we love but in the process do we lose sight of the God child? Sure we do!  None of us will deny that in order for us to make the central theme Christ during the Christmas season, we must  be intentional about how we go about our lives during the Holiday season. Christmas time declares PEACE on EARTH!  Good will toward men!  But do we experience peace?  Do we extend goodwill? Our PEACE is dependent upon the Baby whose birth we are celebrating, yet in all the partying have we forgotten the great gift of peace that Jesus' blood afforded us the opportunity to have direct access to? Romans 5:1-2 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith,  we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.   Thr...

What Are You Expecting From Your Friendships?

Friendship is a precious gift from God that started, not because the Godhead was in need of a comrade, on the contrary, the unity and fellowship found in the Triune God is perfect in every respect.  God did not need a sense of fulfillment or belonging, neither does His identity rest in His acceptance by His people. At times we grapple with our friendships. We experience, loss and gain, atrophy and strengthening, as well as a cyclic ebb and flow throughout the life of the relationship.  Our relationships with people are dependent upon 2  or more individuals making an effort to continue in the nuances of  friendship.  Readily communicating and forgiving one another as necessary in order that the fellowship remains intact. However, our relationship with God is not dependent upon us.  Surprisingly, our relationship with God was ordained by God and is sustained by God.  Sure, our response has a bearing on how we experience Him, but He is always ri...

The Birth of Christ is a Shocking Reality

I read a book on Sunday to my class by Max Lucado, Because I Love You .  The story is about a joyful man named Shaddai, who has fashioned a world where children love life and where He can delight over them as they live in the safety of his created village. Shaddai decides to build a stone wall that encompasses the village where the children live, to keep them separated from the dangers of the forest beyond the village.  As he builds the wall, he decides to leave a small opening that leads to the outside world of danger. A curious boy named Palladin finds the hole and runs to tell the 'Maker' of the danger that he has found.  Shaddai is not surprised that Palladin found the hole because he was looking for an out and he warns him to stay within the safety of the village.  When questioned by Palladin, He explains that he wants the children to stay in the confines of the village because they  want to not because they have to. Paladin is distraught because ...

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