God Is More Concerned With the Process Than the Final Product
The wonder and excitement of seeing a caterpillar emerge as a moth or butterfly will never become old. Last fall my youngest son brought a caterpillar inside on a stalk of dill, its host plant, and we watched it eat and grow at record speed. Within a day we discovered a second caterpillar that must have hatched from the dill a day or so after we brought it into the house. The first caterpillar disappeared from the dill and after doing a little research we found that this particular caterpillar travels away from the host plant to develop into a chrysalis. The Eastern Black Swallowtail butterfly does not have a definitive span of time that it takes to go through the metamorphosis process. It could be two weeks or seven months. We were left to wait and see what might happen but the second caterpillar had grown at a rapid rate feeding on the anise and dill that we would replenish every other day. Before we knew it the second caterpillar had formed into a chrysalis on ...